About Us » Fundraising


2023/2024 Fundraising Activities

Date            Event                                                 Profit                           Funds used for/Donated to
Sept. 26      Terry Fox Walk                                   $3469.40                    Terry Fox Foundation
Oct. 19        Pizza Hot Lunch                                $ 479.02                      SR. SLC
Nov. 1         Football Raffle Tickets                       $ 900.00                      Cupar Football Team
Dec. 1         Gift Bags                                           $ 840.00                      Shalom Gift bags
Dec. 14        Booster Juice Sale                           $114.50                        Drama Program
Feb. 16        Coin Wars                                        $564.25                       Tele-miracle 
Feb 16         SLC Bingo Canteen                         $291.75                       JR SLC 
Feb 16         Booster Juice Sale                           $127.00                       Drama Club
Feb  26        Peer Support                                    $210.08                       Peer Support Group
Mar. 7           Pita Hot lunch                                  $60.75                         Peer Support Group   
Mar. 11         Little Caesar's  Pizza Sale                $870                           Grad 2024
March 18      Booster Juice                                   $91.00                        Drama Club
Mar. 28         Liv Fresh                                          $133.55                      SR SLC 
May 30         Booster Juice                                  $121.00                       Drama Club
SCC Fundraising 2023 2024
  • Pancake breakfast profit of $646.24
  • Christmas Supper profit of $146.85
  • Track and Field Canteen profit of $1,442.53
All proceeds going to support the LIP and the playground improvement project. 

2022/2023 Fundraising Activities

Date             Event                                                 Profit                           Funds used for / Donated to

Sept. 27      Terry Fox Walk                                  $3571.58                   Terry Fox Foundation donation
Sept. 27      Booster Juice                                     $ 121.58                    Terry Fox Foundation donation
Oct. 20        Dominos Hot Lunch                         $ 539.64                     Cupar School SR SLC for schoolwide pancake breakfasts
Oct. 31        Popcorn Balls                                    $250                           Popcorn Ball Sale for Graduation Decorations
Oct. 31       Football Sask Raffle                           $ 855                           Football Transportation/Refs
Nov. 19        Craft Fair                                            $1098                          GSA Pride Parade and GSA expenses (Rainbow Club)
Nov. 24       Scholastic Book Fair                          $769.47                       Funds used to by books for the school library 
Dec. 14         Extreme Pita Hot lunch                   $120.25                      Health and Wellness Fair
Dec. 21         Gift Bag Fundraiser                          $796.50                       Money used to buy personal care items for gift bags/recreation program for Shalom residents
Feb. 14          Candy Crush                                      $14.32                        Money to pay for student activities
March 2         DQ Hot lunch                                    $ 384.50                     Money to pay for student activities
March 17      Jelly Bean Guess                               $8.72                           Money donated to community pool project
March 28       Booster Juice Sale                            $183.75                      Money donated to community pool project
May 12          Wake- a -Thon                                   $                                   Money to pay for the new grad arch

2021/2022 Fundraising Activities

Date             Event                                                  Profit                           Funds Used for/ Donated to

Sept. 23       Pizza Hot Lunch                                $657.48                      Camp Okema in Honour of Quinlyn Smith
Sept. 29       Booster Juice                                     $142.25                      Terry Fox Foundation|
Sept. 29       Terry Fox Pledges/Shirts                   $ 4772.50                  Terry Fox Foundation
Oct. 4-8        Coin Wars Week                                $ 1652.25                 Camp Okema in Honour of Quinlyn Smith
Oct. 21         Pita Lunch                                            $108.75                    SLC Lead Activities
Nov. 25         Dairy Queen                                       $ 573.25                     Shalom, PVSD families
Dec. 15         Booster Juice                                       $167.25                      Drama Club
Dec. 17         Wake-a-Thon                                      $1460                         SLC Lead Activities
Dec.  17         Shalom                                                $560                           Gift bags for Shalom
Dec. 16          Candy Cane Sale                                $ 58.72                       Gift Bags for Shalom
Feb. 14          Candy grams Sale                                $30.52                       Donation to Telemiracle
Feb. 18          Rainbow Club Paint Night                 $0.00                          No profit 
Mar. 16/17 Bake Sale                                              $123.55                    Donation to Community Pool/Park Table/Lounger
Mar. 16-28 Pizza Sale                                               $733                       Donation to Community Pool/Park Table/Lounger

2020/2021 Fundraising Activities

Date              Event                                                        Profit                        Funds used for/Donated to

Sept. 30         Booster Juice Sale                                  $220                          Terry Fox Foundation
Sept. 30         Terry Fox Online Pledges                      1380.00                     Terry Fox Foundation
Oct. 30           Menchies                                                 $127.73                     SLC - Spirit Week Prizes
Dec. 1             Booster Juice                                           $120.20                    SLC - Spirit Week
Dec. 11        Subway/Menchies                                   $85.67                         SLC Spirit Week
Dec. 18        Shalom Gift Baskets                                $1305                         Shalom Senior's Home
Jan. 20          Liv Fresh                                                  $0 profit                     No Profit- cost recovery
Jan. 22          Booster Juice                                            $  142.25                    Cupar Family Donation
Mar. 17        Menchies                                                   $182.69                      SLC donation to Shalom - Plants
May   18       Go Treats                                                   $                                  Sophia House
May 21        Taco in a Bag                                              $276                           Cupar Graduation Class 2021
May 31        Booster Juice                                             $                                   School-Wide Year End Activities
June 17       Dairy Queen                                               $                                   Cupar Graduation Class 2021
June 22        Booster Juice                                             $ 0                                No profit - cost recovery
June 25        K-5 Hats in June                                         $                                   K-5 Play Day

2019/2020 SLC Fundraising Activities

Date              Event                                                        Profit                         Funds Used For/Donated To

Sept. 24        School Bake Sale                                    $99.25                      Canadian Mental Health Association
Sept. 26       Terry Fox Walk/Run                                $3876.70                 Terry Fox Foundation
Oct. 23          JR SLC Booster Juice Sale                      $100                         Indigenous Education Presentation
Nov. 6           Football Raffle Ticket Sale                    $1165                       School Football Program
Nov. 13         SR SLC Bake Sale                                    $128                         SLC Activities/Assemblies
Nov. 15         CSCC Spaghetti Lunch                           $280                         School Wide Theatre Presentation
Nov. 21         School Clothing Sale                              $247.77                   SLC Activities
Nov. 21        SLC Extreme Pita                                     $116.38                   SLC Activities
Dec. 9            World Sleep Day                                    $231                         Sleeping Children Around the World   
Dec. 10          SLC Bake Sale                                         $139.80                    Shalom Senior's Christmas Gift Sets
Dec. 13         Wake-a Thon                                           $1560                       Community Christmas Hampers
Dec. 13         SLC Hot Dog Sale                                      $77.12                     Shalom Senior's Christmas Gift Sets
Dec. 15         Craft Sale                                                 $959.45                     GSA Activities